echt ecke
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Traced from my interest in architectural theories of curvilinearity and choreographic theories of public play, this project explores the effects of how the simplicity of geographic choice, renders complex choreographic choice between the body and the forms it moves in relation to.
Summer 2019
An inverted corner of the Inner City District of Vienna was my first engagement. I particularly chose to break the ice with a proximal encounter to imperial spaces, since these corners feel the most established. Here my body moved in protest to the linearity and rigidity of the walls and the rhetoric they protect. The notion “cornered” took on a personal embodiment as I continuously defied the feeling of collapsing into a small nothingness - non-conforming to the lines and vectors that were set before me.
An extruding corner in the “hipster” 7th district of Vienna was my second engagement. Even as the smell of dog piss wafted between my movements, I favored this corner. The attentive experience of existing within perpendicular planes revealed my current complacencies. I like being told what to do, we all do. The corner offered predictability and predictability offers safety. This corner, my familiarity with the neighborhood, the youthful stares made this experience conflictingly pleasurable...I still toy with its deceptivities.