Imani Rameses is a practicing dancer, choreographer, and cognitive neuroscientist, living and working in Vienna. She situates her work within a feedback loop of performative experiments and empirical play. Drifting between science and art affords her the opportunity to investigate anomalous phenomena and their emergence in the everyday. She received her master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Vienna with a focus on neuroaesthetics. Rameses has performed work at/in collaborations with ImPulsTanz, Tanzquartier Wien, Wiener Festwochen, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, brut, Digital Arts & Science DAS-Zurich, Society for Artistic Research (SAR), and has presented her research at Harvard University, University of Zurich, and many other international conferences. She views her work as an act of service contributing to the healing of human beings and the planet.